Photography & Video Contest


Happening on the 1st of Feb to 31st of March 2012


This contest is open to all Malaysian students of Mansoura University.

1.Theme/Title: “Kehidupan Seorang Mahasiswa

2.All participants are ADVISED to :
•NOT use music background of female’s voice or music of inappropriate contents.
•NOT showing any Aurah for a male/female.

3.Videos should be submitted latest by 31st of March 2012, to the following:
•Muhamad Azizi bin Mejan
+20111 625 2882

•Hawa Mahirah binti Mohd Ghazali
+20114 6806547

4.The winners will be chosen based on Facebook VOTING SYSTEM and JURY PANEL selected by our committee members.

5.The juries will give marks based on:-
(b)Image and video quality.
(c)Additional effects/graphic and music background.

6.Voting system:
(a)Voting will start after 31st of March 2012. We will make an announcement regarding the voting.
(b)Vote can be made only once by each person for each video but they can choose more than one video to be voted.
(c)One LIKE will be counted as one VOTE.
(d)People from the whole world can vote, so don’t forget to tell your friends, parents, grandparents, neighbors, husband/wife, children and everyone about this Event.

7.All entries were submitted at the video maker’s own risk and the organizers regret that they cannot accept liability for any loss, delay or damage occurring to any videos entered in the competition.

8.The decision by the Jury shall be final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into.

9.Winners' video will be uploaded to Official ‘Unit Penerbitan dan Penerangan’ PCM YouTube channel:

This contest is open to all Malaysian students of Mansoura University.

1.Theme/Title: Winter Break

2.Maximum of 2 photos can be submitted by each participant.

3.Maximum caption for each photo is 20 words.

4.Entries should be your original work, not defame anybody nor violate any copyright infringement.

5.All participants are ADVISED to :
•NOT showing any Aurah for a male/female.

6.Photos should be submitted latest by 31st of March 2012, to the following:
•Muhamad Azizi bin Mejan
+20111 625 2882

•Hawa Mahirah binti Mohd Ghazali
+20114 6806547

7.Please provide your name, course and year of study, email address and telephone number in submitting your photo(s).

8.The winners will be chosen based on Facebook VOTING SYSTEM and JURY PANEL selected by our committee members.

9.The juries will give marks based on:-
(b)Image quality.
(c)Message and Creativity.

8.Voting system:
(a)Voting will start after 31st of March 2012. We will make an announcement regarding the voting.
(b)Vote can be made only once by each person for each video but they can choose more than one video to be voted.
(c)One LIKE will be counted as one VOTE.
(d)People from the whole world can vote, so don’t forget to tell your friends, parents, grandparents, neighbors, husband/wife, children and everyone about this Event.

9.All entries were submitted at the video maker’s own risk and the organizers regret that they cannot accept liability for any loss, delay or damage occurring to any videos entered in the competition.

10.The decision by the Jury shall be final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into.

Organised by
Publication and Information Unit
PERUBATAN Cawangan Mansurah '11/12
Ilmuan Berbakti, Teguh Sehati
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Web Master

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