Holy Quran mentions and states that in it there is healing for
mankind.The effects of honey as a remedy have been researched in many
studies in the pass and a great deal of attention has been paid to in
the modern studies.It has been found to work as an antibiotic when used
topically on wound and burn.
In 1937, the effect of honey as an antibiotic on 17 different type of microbes.In 1944,Blackey
discussed the compenants of honey that have antibiotic effects.
the compenants of honey were isolated by using a number of solvent,and
scientists reached the conclusion that the substance that killed germ in
honey was present in a subtances that was soluble in ether.
In 1958,studies found that the antibiotic in honey was not in enzyme that are present in it.
In 1958, Weninck found that light honey has the same effect as antibiotic and that maybe because of an enzyme.
1960,it was found that this subtance in honey wan unknown.Stenson in
1960,and Jonathan 1963 investigated the germ-killing subtances in
honey.They assumed that was in the glycolic acid or in the hydrogen
1970,in a study of a patient who has Hysterectomy,that using honey
locally on the wound kept it free of germs for between three and six
days only, and that healing took place after two weeks on average.
this research,the effect of light honey(1 to 5 percent) was studied on a
number of germ which were cultured in the lab in 149 case of urinary
infection of patient whose urine contained more than 100,00 microbe per
cubic centimetre of urine.
comparison was made between the effect of light honey on different
kinds of germ and the effect of a number of antibiotic on them.
research was carried out on nine different kinds of germ in the
patient's urine,the most numerous of which were bacilli in the colon It
was found that light honey( 50 percent,30 percent) was more effective
than gentamycin on those germs.As for light honey(20 percent,10
percent),it was less effective on 'klebsiella' germs and other germs.
result were in accordance with those reached by other studies in
1970,which confirmed that honey is a healing for some diseases and kills
many germs,which make it preferable to use honey as a remedy for
infected wounds and burns,and promise good medical result.
References: Islamic Medicine 'the key to a better life' by Yusuf Al-Haj Ahmad
by : Najwa binti Mohamad Hamdan
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