Tafaqquh Class : Child Education In Islam ( Tarbiyyatu Al-Awlad Fil Islam)

"What is the way to reformation and what is the starting point to reform the good society?

The answer lies in the word "education" which encompasses many meanings,concepts and fields.

This education of children is a branch of individual education in which Islam calls to prepare and reform him to be a useful and good member of society."

-'Abdullah Nasih 'Ulwan-

Madrasah Imam Nawawi will presents you Child Education In Islam (Tarbiyyatu al-Awlad Fil Islam)

the details will be as follows :

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The book is divided into 3 parts and will be as follows :

Part I
Chapter 1 : The ideal marriage and its relationship to education
Chapter 2 : The psychological feelings towards children
Chapter 3 : General rules concerning the new-born baby
Chapter 4 : Causes and treatment of children's waywardness

Part II
Chapter 1 : The responsibility for faith education
Chapter 2 : The responsibility for ethical education
Chapter 3 : The responsibility for physical education
Chapter 4 : The responsibility for intellectual education
Chapter 5 : The responsibility for psychological education
Chapter 6 : The responsibility for social education
Chapter 7 : The responsibility for sexual education

Part III
Chapter 1 : Effective means of children's education
Chapter 2 : The basic principles of education
Chapter 3 : Necessary education suggestions

*The exact time will be informed later.

for more informations, visit http://madrasahimamnawawi.blogspot.com/
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